ZigaForm version 5.7.6

Yellow Letters

Yellow Letter Sample

A yellow letter is a term used to describe any letter that is custom written, personalized, and handwritten. Handwritten letters are often referred to as ‘yellow letters’ because they are often printed on a yellow legal pad-type of paper. A handwritten letter does not have to be printed on yellow paper. They can also be printed on professional stationary. This is especially helpful when web urls or Logos are used or when Agency / Broker information must be disclosed.

Our highly customized fonts and our printers allow our letters to appear handwritten. The only way a reader can tell the difference between our handwritten letters and a letter that is actually written by hand, is that there are no pressure marks on the back of the page.

Benefits of Yellow Letters/Handwritten letters include:

– they convey a short, concise message

– the informality of a handwritten letter decreases the amount of “fear it invokes which gives your letter a greater chance of being opened and read

– in the age of computers, handwritten letters are rare and provoke curiosity which increases the likelihood that your letter will be opened and read

– handwritten letters help move your letter past the reader’s innate “junk mail” filter

Try this thought exercise and walk through this scenario. This is the way MOST people retrieve their mail: I walk out the door and up the drive to my mailbox, open it, and reach inside. I pull out all the mail, and on the way back to the door, sort through it. All the sales papers and grocery ads go to the bottom of the pile… still walking… next, all postcards and anything else that is obviously a marketing piece for crap I don’t need and didn’t ask for… next, my bills. Last, all my hand-written letters are on top. Walking in the door, all the junk goes in the trash without a second glance… bills go on the counter for later… hand-written mail goes with me to the couch or office where it is opened and read pretty much immediately.