If you want to make money in real estate, you need to buy your investment properties at a discount. To buy at a discount, you need to do your own marketing. You can find off-market properties with the help of MarketLikeAWholesaler and keep real estate agency commissions in your pocket.
If you’re brand new to real estate the first thing you should do is read. There are many great books available like Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad. Also check out this invaluable resource online, www.BiggerPockets.com.
Cost of an off-market property + marketing cost of finding discounted off market property = Highly discounted real estate investments
Distressed sellers aren’t the only people that we market to but they are often the ones willing to sell their property at a highly discounted price.
We’ll answer that question with a question. If you answer YES to one of these three questions, then MarketLikeAWholesaler can help make you money.
- Are you trying to find financial freedom by investing in real estate?
- Are you lost about where to start in the real estate game?
- Have you read Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki or been tempted by others who make wealth in Real Estate look easy?
MarketLikeAWholesaler can help you realize your dreams by giving you the tools to find off-market bargains without having to rely on others.
If a man is hungry and you give him a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.
Cluster Marketing is a marketing strategy that utilizes different types of letters for each mailing in the hope that one of the pieces of marketing collateral will catch the eye of the potential seller.
An example of cluster marketing:
1st mailing: postcard
2nd mailing: self sealer (some call those Zip letters. We call them R.I.P. letters – rest in peace, response rate DEAD)
3rd mailing: yellow letter
Cluster marketing strategies don’t generally work as well as consistent letter marketing strategies because:
- Using different elements between letters takes away the reader’s ability to understand that each letter is coming from the same source
- Cluster marketing does not create the same amount of brand recognition for you with the potential seller
Cluster marketing decreases the power of a multi-touch campaign. Remember that most deals are struck after the fifth touch/mailing.